“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23
I think my fruit bowl is about empty. I’m looking over this list and at 40 weeks pregnant, I feel as though most of my fruit has been eaten. And, it grieves me really.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the majority of this pregnancy, as I have marveled over the miracle of it all. I think back to the first trimester, when only an ultrasound served as visible proof that there was indeed a child in here. I smile as I currently watch a foot glide from one side to the other. I remember being grateful during the nauseous stage, reminding myself that was part of the process of pregnancy. I reflect on the tears shed over hearing of people’s prayers for us, and seeing their responses to hearing our news. There are definite times when I can say I’ve seen more fruit in my bowl.
And, here we are at 40 weeks, 3 days past the due date, and I find I need to restock. The thing with the fruit of the Spirit is that they are not relegated to “right conditions” in order to be displayed. Raging hormones are not an excuse to not be loving, kind, gentle and good. Lack of sleep and difficulty moving around does not excuse me from having joy, being at peace and exercising self-control. Being 3 days beyond man’s time does not mean I need to lose patience and stop being faithful. If anything, this time reflects a greater need for the fruit of the Spirit. But, there is one key thing.
The fruit of the Spirit is a reflection of walking by the Spirit. There is my breakdown. I have reached the point where I want, what I want, when I want it. Now! Since I have decided that this time is all about me - having the house cleaned exactly how I want it, the room organized according to how I feel, when I feel it, the baby coming by Oct 30, then Nov 5, ok maybe the 10th…for sure the 12th… I have chosen to walk by my flesh.
Reality check: I can’t walk by my flesh, and somehow miraculously reflect the Spirit of God – it’s that salt spring producing fresh water and grapevine producing figs that James wrote about. Not going to happen.
So, it’s time to readjust. It’s time to revisit the lessons I’ve learned about trusting God and His sovereignty. It is time to remember how God has answered prayers, sustained, provided for and protected us. It is time to do what He has reminded me in both the beginning and end of pregnancy is a necessity to bearing fruit – abide in Him. Here’s to restocking.
Fruitfully yours,