Friday, May 28, 2010

Week 6 - The Illusion of Control

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6,7

It fascinates me that one of the most joyful and highly anticipated events in life can be riddled with so much anxiety. However, aren’t many things? A new job, a new marriage, new home, new city, are wonderfully exciting adventures, yet, they are on the top of the list of life’s stressors. Why?

Well, I can’t speak for others, but personally it is because of the unknown and the complete inability to control the process. Sure, I can strategize, follow recommendations, set goals, create contingency plans, etc. But, I can’t actually control the process. So I worry, because in my finite, sinful mind I would rather be comforted by the illusion of control. The sad thing is, as with any illusion, the situation or reality remains the same. And, to make matters worse, I am stuck with heart palpitations, insomnia, and lack of peace. I am irritable, easily agitated and miserable. How is that for control?

If I live in reality, I recognize that I can do nothing to bring about a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. Sure, I can follow a diet, exercise, not drink, smoke, etc. But ultimately, the results are up to the Lord. He is knitting this child together - neurons, DNA, cell structure, organ development, personality, eye color, hair texture – everything. So why settle for the illusion of control when I can simply run to the One who truly controls – everything?

So today, at least at this moment, I choose to obey the command. I will not worry. Instead I will run to the Father, thanking Him for the life He has allowed us to conceive. I will present my requests for a healthy pregnancy and healthy child to Him. I will petition, and pray – continually, realizing that He is the One who holds not only the life of this child, but, my life in His hands. In this, He will grant peace. Still striving to…

Rest in His Sovereignty,


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