Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week 31 – Man’s Plans

This week I have been reminded of the truth behind “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9. I have seen how we can come up with a course of action - great plans, God-honoring plans - but if He has determined a different path there is nothing to be done, but walk in them.

My first inclination is frustration. But, who I am, really? I am not able to see what lies around the corner or what my next minute holds. Yet, I have somehow determined that I know what is best better than the God who has already ordained all of my days? Sure, there are times I wish that His chosen course for me would be a little smoother, with less mountains, and storms. I definitely wish I could bypass the suffering and struggles of life. But, somehow, in His kingdom, He really does work all things together for the good of those who love Him. I remind myself that this does not mean that everything that happens will feel good, simply that it will be for the good. Big difference.

So I am learning to hold my plans loosely. At one point in my life, I frustratingly determined that I would no longer make plans and set goals because “God is going to do what He wants to do anyway.” Let me just say, wrong attitude. It is the acknowledgement that I can have desires, goals, plans and dreams, but that God who can see up the road, around the corner, my tomorrow, and years beyond my existence, has the right to alter them as He sees best and fit. Sure, I still may not like all of these decisions (hey, I’m being honest), and there will still be times when it will not feel good. However, I can rest in the reality that God really does love me, He really is a good and just God, who is kind and merciful. And contrary to popular opinion, He really does know what He is doing.

Stepping Aside,


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